At Craigslea State High School, our student leadership philosophy is centred on providing a wide range of leadership opportunities through both curricular and extra-curricular programs. These opportunities are designed for students in their junior and senior years, enabling them to develop a well-rounded set of leadership skills that benefit both the school and the broader community.
Student Leadership Positions at Craigslea SHS
Senior and Junior positions:
- School Captains
- School Vice-Captains
- Junior School Captains
- Academic Captains
- Sports Captains
- Performing Arts Captains
- Craigslea Volleyball Academy (CVA) Captains
- Community Leaders
- House Captains (senior only)
- House Representatives
- House Council Executives (senior only)
- School Council Representatives
Year 11 positions only:
House Council
The House Council at Craigslea State High School provides students from all year levels with the opportunity to influence decisions on important issues and help shape the school's culture. The House Council is made up of two House Captains from each of the four houses—Lewis Lions, Fraser Sharks, Freeman Fire and Bradman Bulls—along with two House Executives and Representatives from Years 7 to 11 for each house.
The House Council meets twice a term after school and attendance at all meetings is mandatory for members. During these meetings, they collaborate with peers from other year levels to implement improvements for their house and the wider school community. Additionally, House Council Executives meet with the Principal, Deputy Principals and Head of Department for Senior and Junior Schooling to discuss key matters.
Learn more about our House Counci: School Leadership Overview.