Craigslea SHS P&C welcomes all students, parents/caregivers, community members and staff to our school community.
We are a dedicated group of parents and citizens who want to contribute to building our school community. Will you be a part of it?
We are looking to extend our support. All parents/caregivers are eligible to be members of the P&C and we welcome your involvement whether it be attendance at monthly meetings, sub-committee meetings (Craigslea Volleyball Academy (CVA), CHIMPS) or helping out at the Craigslea SHS Canteen and sub-committee fundraising activities.
P&C meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, commencing at 7:00pm in the Craigslea SHS Library. Look for the "P&C News" section of the school newsletter or the events calendar for meeting details and related information. Event notifications are also provided on the Craigslea SHS Facebook page.
How to Join
If you would like to register your interest with the P&C, or have any great ideas/suggestions for ways in which the P&C can better support the interest of the school, students, parents/caregivers, community members and staff, please let us know by filling in the Application Form and returning it to pandc@craigsleashs.eq.edu.au.
P&C Meeting Dates
P&C Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm in the Craigslea SHS Library. Please see the Events Calendar to confirm meeting dates.
How we make a Difference
Our P&C Association takes an active support role to:
P&C revenue is derived from the net operational profit of the Craigslea SHS Canteen (though we are ever mindful that this is a core business service). Please note that we do not have a planned 'Fund Raising Program', and that revenue derived from the Craigslea SHS Canteen is very much dependent upon a constant pool of volunteers.
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" (Ralph Emerson).
There are many things we - individually and as a school community - may wish to achieve for our school as we strive to make it the best that it can be. Two things, will inevitably promote success in this endeavour. One is our will to work together, and the other is our enthusiasm to do so, and to translate our dreams, hopes and expectations into reality. The challenge to make our school the best that it can be is ours - one and all, but it is a challenge worth pursuing, not as an end in itself, but because of the inevitable consequence for our children's success and their future.
P&C Facts
- Children who have actively engaged parents have better educational outcomes.
- Working with your P&C provides you with valuable work experience and new skills.
- Volunteering improves your health and wellbeing.
- Joining your P&C creates life-long friendships.
Cindy Chiu Chong
Craigslea SHS P&C President