Music is an integral part of life at Craigslea Primary and High Schools. Students at the combined campus have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument in quality music programs.
Students are allocated to lesson groups and ensembles according to ability on their selected instrument. This allows students to have the opportunity to learn and perform at their current level. Students have two contact periods per week; one group lesson in school time, and one ensemble rehearsal (sometimes two) either before or after school.
Aims and Philosophy
The aims of the Instrumental Music Program at the Craigslea Music Campus are to:
Provide an extra dimension to the schools’ music programs ensuring that educational outcomes are maximised for all students.
Provide an opportunity for musical development of students through instrumental instruction on a group basis.
Provide ensemble experience for students that develop ensemble performance skills as an integral part of their music education through: Concert Bands, Orchestras, String Orchestras and Stage Bands.
Our ensembles perform at various school and community functions throughout the year. Some will also participate in competitions. Attendance at all performances is essential.
Performance groups on the campus include:
Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Concert Band
Chamber Winds
Big Band
Stage Band
Caledonia Strings
Mackenzie Strings
Chamber Choir

Calendar of Performances
All performance and events will be communicated through the school newsletter and the music email list.
Camps & Tours
A camp is held every second year for all members of school ensembles. The purpose of the camp is to provide the opportunity for intensive rehearsal and develop a team spirit within the program.
Our school tours regularly to local and interstate locations.

Expectations of Students
Students are expected to participate in the program to the best of their ability.
This includes:
Regular practice
Attendance at lessons
Attendance at rehearsals and performances
If a student cannot attend a rehearsal or performance, prior written notice is compulsory.